netCommons in Net Futures 2016

The netCommons project contributes to Net Futures 2016 in Brussels, April 20-21st. We share with the audience the concept of commons-based ICT infrastructure as a complementary model for the future Internet, and give insights in the network and service provision by community networks. etCommons will exemplify commons-based ICT provision by highlighting the case of, recently distinguished by the European Broadband Award 2015, which with more than 30.000 nodes in Spain can be considered the largest community network worldwide.
The netCommons stand includes a multi-layer mockup of a small urban neighbourhood, and a rural one too, set up in three layers: passive infrastructure (a surface with place to deploy fibres/cables of different colours), another layer on top with the active IP network (routers, hosts, packets). On top the buildings layer with people and also wireless links (mesh for urban, and p2p for rural). Lego towers help to explain the different models.