Concerns - Section C
Question QC1A asks whether the user has experienced privacy violations. Certain options are provided.
QC2A to QC4 in our survey addresses privacy concerns. In measuring privacy concerns, we also examine the link between concerns and steps taken to address these concerns. To this end, we have asked about the steps, if any, that users took to address these concerns and we have also included additional relevant questions (QC3A). Our intention in this has been to identify the extent to which there is a link between privacy concerns and changes in attitudes towards Internet use. This question is important from a ‘privacy concern’ perspective, as taking steps indicates a stronger concern than otherwise.
Questions QC5, QC7, QC8 and QC9 are set to provide a measure of advertising and commercialisation concerns. Following the logic outlined above in the case of privacy, we included a question (QC9) of consideration of alternatives.
Questions QC10 to QC13 are on monopolies, and examine attitudes towards the dominant presence of an Internet service provider, social networking site, or search engine (questions QC10 to QC13). We also have included one question on consideration of alternatives (question QC13).
The last set of questions in section C, relate to the theme of Internet governance and electronic democracy, and consists of questions on: taxation of large Internet corporations, equality of access and skills (digital divide), unequal online visibility on social networks, and access to online content (questions QC15 to QC18).