Dissemination Report: Summary of Dissemination Actions and Adoption of NetCommons Solutions During the Second Year
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Executive Summary:
This deliverable summarizes the dissemination activities of the netCommons Consortium and their overall impact during the second year of the project’s life, as well as outlining the impact that some actions will have in the near and fare future. Notably, this year was marked by critical legal developments of the European legal frame of communications, including the European Electronic Communications Code (EECC), and the definitive enforcement of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
netCommons operated promptly on these developments both with its legal team and with its advocacy support group, and managed to play a key role in advocacy efforts, coordinating networking activities among Commu- nity Networks (CNs) in Europe and worldwide. In this context, that in some sense goes beyond the foreseen activity, we can list the following remarkable achievements:
• An Open Letter to European Union (EU) Policy-Makers: “Making Regulation Work for Community Networks”, in March 2017, and the corresponding press releases;
• Detailed notes on the individual amendments of the EECC before decisive votes in European Parliament in collaboration with La Quadrature Du Net (LQDN) and a second open letter;
• A focused workshop in the European Parliament coordinated by Member of the European Parliaments (MEPs) Miapetra Kumpula-Natri and Julia Reda and participated by other members including Jose ́ Bove ́;
• Both social and technical comments and contributions to positively influence the development of the Radio Equipment Directive (RED), whose revision, currently under discussion, may severely hinder the growth and the sheer existence of CNs that exploit innovative open source resources;
• Initiation of the telecommons mailing list as a platform for communication exchanges across different CNs and coordination of joint actions such as the Open Letter to EU;
• Participation in the formation of a new Internet Society (ISOC) Special Interest Group on Community Networks.
In addition to these exceptional activities addressing policy makers and regulators, which are without a prece- dent in the brief history of CNs, netCommons extended its cooperation with several CNs and the commu- nities they serve, achieving appreciated support and significant impact. This holds in particular for the CNs that maintain a close relationship with the project, namely ninux.org, guifi.net, Sarantaporo.gr and Federation French Data Network (FFDN). Activities in this direction have ranged from the organization of workshops and seminars to the diffusion of knowledge (funding and organizational models) and the help to attract competitive funding for assisting the CN growth.
netCommons partners have also engaged also in a wide variety of dissemination activities targeting the scientific community, local authorities and stakeholders, the Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability (CAPS) community, and the general public. In numbers, netCommons partners organized or co-organized 6 focused events, actively participated in 10 high-impact international and 2 Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustain- ability and Social Innovation (CAPSSI) specific events, attended 12 scientific workshops, and were invited to talk in 4 public events. In additions to these focused dissemination activities or partially overlap with them, netCommons researchers published more than 20 scientific papers, detailed in Chapter 8.
The structure of the deliverable is based on the type of activity, with an initial overall description and final conclusions:
Chapter 1 describes the rationale ands trategy of dissemination we followed, with some highlights on specific items treated in more detail in the appropriate chapter;
Chapter 2 lists and presents one by one the events organized or attended by netCommons researchers; Chapter 3 discusses the activities devoted to improve and support CNs advocacy initiatives;
Chapter 4 is devoted to the meetings and support with local communities in general and CNs in particular; Chapter 5 presents the other dissemination activities that cannot be easily categorized;
Chapter 6 discusses the overall positive impact generated for CNs by netCommons, attempting an objective analysis as far as possible;
Chapter 7 draws some final considerations on the success of dissemination and impact of netCommons after two years or project;
Chapter 8 lists all the publications of netCommons during the second year of activity classified by publication type.