Dissemination Report: Summary of Dissemination Actions and Adoption of NetCommons Solutions During the Third Year

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Executive Summary: 
This deliverable summarizes the dissemination activities of the netCommons Consortium and their overall impact during the third and last year of the project, as well as outlining the impact that some actions had and possibly will have in the near and far future. The structure of the deliverable is based on the type of activity, with an initial overall description and final conclusions. Chapter 1 summarizes the dissemination work documented in this deliverable, giving an overall picture of the strategies adopted and the overall effort both on the inner (communities) and outer (policy makers, society) loop as described in the Description of Action (DoA); Chapter 2 lists and presents one by one the events organized or attended by netCommons researchers; Chapter 3 discusses the activities devoted to improve and support Community Networks (CNs) advocacy initiatives; Chapter 4 is devoted to the meetings and support with local communities in general and CNs in particular; Chapter 5 presents the other dissemination activities that cannot be easily categorized as well as some industrial liaisons that we were able to establish, even if the project in itself did not initially consider this possibility; Chapter 6 discusses the overall positive impact generated for CNs by netCommons, attempting an objective analysis as far as possible; Chapter 7 lists all the scientific publications and interventions of netCommons during the third year of activity classified by publication type; Chapter 8 draws some final considerations on the success of dissemination and impact of netCommons, and provides evidence for its potential impact beyond the end of the project. netCommons dissemination has been in general very successful, both from a quantitative point of view, with participation in many events, presentations at conferences, scientific papers and so on, and from a qualitative point of view, with publications in top venues and interventions at the EU and UN levels whose final outcome has been the recognition of Community Networks as key elements of an healthy Internet ecosystem, and legal provisions in the European Electronic Communication Code specifically designed for them. The interaction with Community Networks has also been successful and fruitful, in an exchange process that enabled netCommons to root its research on solid ground, and empowered Communities with a renewed sense of purpose and importance, strengthened by the recognition they got on the legal and socio-economic dimension and by the consciousness of using and building a still evolving, novel, and challenging technological and engineering platform and infrastructure.