Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
The Distributed Systems Group performs research on distributed systems in the areas of models, algorithms and software elements supporting large, complex and dynamic applications.
The ultimate motivation for our research is to empower individual people and collectives with distributed computing services, programming models and systems that mask the complexity of the myriad of interrelated software, computing and communication elements and their complex interactions in a large, diverse and changing environment. The group is currently working on large scale and centralized community networks and community clouds, economics oriented distributed systems, particularly on resource allocation mechanisms for Grid and peer-to-peer, on decentralized systems applied to Ambient Networks, and on applications supporting cooperative learning (CSCL).
The ultimate motivation for our research is to empower individual people and collectives with distributed computing services, programming models and systems that mask the complexity of the myriad of interrelated software, computing and communication elements and their complex interactions in a large, diverse and changing environment. The group is currently working on large scale and centralized community networks and community clouds, economics oriented distributed systems, particularly on resource allocation mechanisms for Grid and peer-to-peer, on decentralized systems applied to Ambient Networks, and on applications supporting cooperative learning (CSCL).
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Department of Computer Architecture
Distributed Systems Group
