netCommons at IGF2018

Community Networks had a significant presence in IGF 2018, one of the most important global events on Internet Governance and beyond. And netCommons contributed significantly in three of the most important sessions around this topic.
IGF 2018 DC Community Connectivity: When The Unconnected Build Connectivity (DC3): DC3 provides a common platform involving all interested stakeholders in a cooperative analysis of the community network model, exploring how such networks may be used to sustainably expand Internet connectivity while empowering Internet users. The DC3 session 2018 has been organised through email interactions on the DC3 mailing-list as well as through a face-to-face meeting, held at RightsCon 2018. Session panelists presented their contributions to The Community Network Manual: How to Build the Internet Yourself, which is the official 2018 outcome of DC3 and is a joint publication of the ITU, FGV and ISOC. Furthermore, the session stimulated discussion with stakeholders that are developing community network-related initiatives and that could become DC3 partners.
IGF 2018 WS \#279 Scaling community networks: exploring blockchain and efficient investment strategies: The goal of the session was to bring together multiple stakeholders from the Community Networks movement, including collaborators from academia and funding agencies, to discuss the future of community networks through the integration of new technologies --particularly Blockchain-- and the development of effective investment strategies for scaling-up. The establishment of Community Networks has emerged as a concrete alternative to address the challenge of connecting the unconnected. In recent years, a range of CNs worldwide have consolidated and demonstrated not only the viability of CNs from a infrastructure standpoint, but also from community management perspective through the establishment of sustainable business models.
netCommons also had significant contribution to the GISWatch 2018 book on Community Networks which was also launched during IGF 2018.