netCommons Endorses and Supports the "Mesh is in the air"

This year, the "Wireless Battle of the Mesh" and the "Wireless Community Weekend" have joined forces and realized a new event, called "Mesh is in the air", merging the best of both events.
The Battle of the Mesh is the historical meeting of all European Community Networks, this year in its 11th edition (every year it changes its location). The Wireless Community Weekend is instead the annual meeting of the FreiFunk German wireless Community, and this year the two events merge in Berlin. It is the best occasion to meet all the practitioners, developers, and maintainers of CNs around Europe (and not only).
For netCommons it is a unique event where to showcase the results of our project. We will be there to share with the communities all the results, gather feedback and involve them in the experimentations, which is something we will do in 2018 for the third time (after 2016 and 2017).
netCommons endorses and supports "Mesh is in the air" not only for the efforts made by its community to advance the field of wireless mesh networking and foster the development of grass-roots community networks, but for their contribution to digital freedom rights movement, humanitarian aid, empowerment of peoples tech/net/media competency and a free and open civil society.
Some of the things we will concretely do to support the event are:
- help to promote the event
- bring people to the event to help setting-up the network, and to experiment with protocols, software, and help organizing the results, as we did with the final report for the 2017 edition
- give talks about the results we achieved, both technical and legal
- we will provide 6 Ubiquiti Unifi AC Pro to realize the testbed