netCommons guidelines for telecom policy-makers

After two years of working with Community Networks and policy-makers, the netCommons project is proud to announce the release of our policy brief entitled "Enabling the Telecommons: Guidelines for Policy-Makers."
This brief is basically an extension of the work started early last year. These guidelines are meant for European policy-makers working on the telecom sector. They address various steps that can be taken to support the development of Community Networks and adapt the regulatory framework accordingly. The document takes stock of the new rules agreed upon this summer at the EU level as a result of our work with European Community Networks and digital rights groups. These provisions, and our guidelines released today, can be appropriated by Community Networks to start a dialogue with regulators and other stakeholders.
Many members of the netCommons team are attending the Internet Governance Forum this week in Paris, and we'll take this opportunity to make these guidelines known to a wider European and international audience. And if you want to help us translate it in your own language, please go to this page.