netCommons at EuCNC 2018

In the week of 18-21 June, netCommons participated in the EuCNC 2018 conference, in Ljubljana, Slovenia. This was the 27th edition of a successful series of technical conferences in the field of telecommunications, sponsored by IEEE ComSoc and EURASIP, and financially supported by the European Commission, focusing on communication networks, systems, and services/applications.
The project contributions were multi-fold including: (a) a technical tutorial about community networks (CNs), their potential role in the future telecoms landscape and crucial considerations and analysis of their economic sustainability; (b) a position paper iterating critically on the priorities of the 5G vision and the questions it has left open, and describing how CNs could provide answers to them; and (c) a poster presentation of the AppLea mobile farming application, developed in the context of the project for the community served by the Sarantaporo CN, Greece.
All contributions well well received in a event with a strong technological flavor and considerable industry participation.