CNs promoted as 'the other' way to connectivity at IGF2016

Community Networks have emerged at the Internet Governance Forum as "the other'" way to develop connectivity. Terms such as empowering the unconnected, connecting the unconnected, connecting the next billion(s) floated around. The discussion was around many aspects such as policy, regulation, human rights, economics, sustainability, governance, participation, infrastructure, access, technology, software, spectrum.
The Internet Governance Forum 2016 was this year in Guadalajara, Mexico, on December 5-9 2016. There were lots of events: pre-events, post-events, lots of conferences, workshops, booths, tents, side-meetings, parties. Most of the events are recorded as transcripts and videos and a video channel.
The UN Agenda for Sustainable Development identifies information and communication technologies (ICTs) and the Internet as horizontal enablers for development. Paragraph 9c sets an important goal for the international community: "Significantly increase access to information and communications technology and strive to provide universal and affordable access to the Internet in least developed countries by 2020''.
netCommons was there and participated in many events through Roger Baig and Leandro Navarro ( and UPC). This is a report of the activities with a focus on community networks.